Rabu, 24 April 2013

we live in a the world of meaning

Attitudes and behavior
Assalamualaikum WR WB
About Intentions Adab
Of Abu al-Anmari Kabsyah radi 'anhu, that he heard the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said: "Indeed the world is for 4 people: Servant of Allah Almighty give him a treasure rizqi (from road halal) and science (to Islam ), then he is devoted to his Lord on the rizqi (treasure and science), he is doing good to his relatives with rizqinya, and he knows the right of Allah Almighty to him. Then the servant is the most important position (on the side of Allah Almighty). Servant of Allah Almighty give him rizqi a science, but he did not give rizqi a treasure, he has good intentions. He said: "If I have a property I would like to do the deed so and so (the first to do goodness it)". Then he (reply) by intentions (good), reward them (the first and second) is the same. Servant of Allah Almighty give him a rizqi treasure, but he did not give him a rizqi science, then he's doing with his money recklessly without knowledge.Talk Without MeritVerily among those who most love in between you and the seat closest to me on the Day of Judgment are those who are best akhlaqnya of you. And real people I hate most of you and most distant seats with me on the Day of Resurrection is ats-tsartsârûn, al-mutasyaddiqûn, and al-mutafaihiqûn. The Companions said: "O Rsulullah, we have known al-tsartsârûn and al-mutasyaddiqûn, but whether al-mutafaihiqûn? He replied: "The arrogant people." Having narrated this hadith, Imam Tirmidhi rahimahullah said, "ats-Tsartsâr are a talkative person, while al-mutasyaddiq are ordinary people who disturb others with our words and talk to their squalid". Imam Ibn al-Athir explains in the book's vol-Nihayah: "ats-Tsartsârûn are people who talk a lot to push yourself and get out of the truth. al-Mutasyaddiqûn are people who talk at length without carefully .. There is also a saying, al-mutasyaddiq are people who make fun of other people with the shoot out towards their lips ". Imam al-Mundziri rahimahullah said in at-Targhîb: "ats-Tsartsâr is a talkative person to push yourself.Joking According to Islamic view
Frighten a Muslim in jest. Some people are joking with wearing something to scare her. For example, like wearing a scary mask on his face, screaming in the dark, or conceal his property, or the like. Act like this is not allowed. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Do not any of you take the property of his brother, both jokingly and seriously". Never happen, when one of the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was sleeping, someone came and took his whip, and hide it. Owner whip and even then felt scared. So the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "It is not lawful for a Muslim to scare another Muslim." The point is, should not frighten a Muslim even if only for a joke, especially if in earnest. Lied when joking. Many people are joking with as he pleased, do not hesitate to lie to excuse joking. Though lying in this joke is not allowed. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "I guarantee with a palace on the edge of paradise for those who leave the debate even though he was in the right, a palace in the middle of paradise for those who leave the lie even though he was joking, and castles in the top of a haven for the repair depraved ".Canda On Stage Entertainment
The world of art and entertainment scene today is very varied. Ranging from religious sinetron, dangdut performances, concerts nasyid marawis, kethoprak performances, comedy, festival manggungnya stringed up comedians. All aimed to entertain the audience or spectators who are experiencing mental fatigue, tired minds and tired bodies. Even the rise of entertainment shows (performances) on the television screen aims to entertain the audience, finally the cleric half artists with quirky and cute appearance, took part. Ironically, the charge of entertainment rarely measured against Islamic norms, to entertainment called islamipun much deviated from the rules of religion, and even more likely to be free of bias, away from the control of the Shari'a. Moreover, the material interests become dominant, the target gains a major consideration, and audience satisfaction as a priority. So we can be sure, any type of entertainment is not devoid of sleaze and munkar. While the audience, the average fascinated with everything that smells of lust, all of which are rah-rah, and scented impressions pornography. Interludes of life to repel bored and tired with jokes and laughter are innate human nature, as a socially and seasoning salt of life, because all people are less at ease with the tense atmosphere and live without inserts humor.Neighboring Healthy And Evil Ways of Dealing with Neighbors
Related to the scope of meaning do charity to neighbors, Shaikh Sulthan Nazhim explains: "(It is) by doing various good deeds for neighbors, according to ability levels, for example in the form of gifts, greetings, smiles when he met him, observing the situation, to help in case he needed, and avoid all things that made her feel hurt, either physically or morally. neighbor is entitled mendapatkankan both of our treatment is the closest neighbor to our house, followed by the next neighbors closer. 'Aisha once asked, "O Messenger of Allah, I have two neighbors. So to whom do I give gifts between the two of them? ". He replied." To the neighbors who are closer to you the door. "Therefore, Imam Al Bukhari wrote a chapter title in Shahihnya Chapter Hakk ul Jiwar FII Qurbil Abwab (chapter neighboring rights nearest the door).'s an indicator of the depth of his understanding of the texts on this subject ". Furthermore, Shaykh Nazhim explained, "Neighbors have several levels of criteria: First, the Muslim neighbor who had an alliance, he had 3 right at the same time, the neighboring rights, Islam and the rights of kinship rights. Secondly, Muslim neighbors (who do not have a relationship kinship), then he has two rights, namely the right of neighboring and Islamic rights.may be useful

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