Rabu, 24 April 2013

Objectives and tasks of human life in the World.??

arysetiady 23 April 20013
"Let's keep in mind reminding kita within Affection And be patient"By Latifabdulah. (1).New Articles Grace GOD Almighty, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.May the Almighty GOD. MY guide to explain "What is the purpose of human life and duty created By GOD" What is written in the Qur'an Nur Karim. As the Handbook of human life..Every man should know who he was, why he was born, and what the goals and tasks of life, how long he's Husband Could Life on Earth, and where she's going to leave husband World taxable income?.If man can not answer New Articles TRUE, then the Living her life like a human in the Forest That shut her nakedness New Article Daunan leaves. They are not magicians.They do not know the purpose and task of his life. They run like a beast Only Life is married, have children, and if an adult child in inbred Again And lastly died so seturusnya World..The orangutan people living in the city was not aware of the purpose LOT A & Duties life. Something said to FIND A happy life, And raise a family and educate childrenThe happy life ALSO LOOKING various kind;The ADA meditate, chanting for hours in the dark room, ADA The Simple Life, THERE IS A LOOK Corporindo to meet individual needs, etc..What is the purpose & Life Task Demand GOD LOOK happy? The answer is no.god-in-heart-1Opinions also differ ulama2/usztad2 Beda.There are by scholars say to SEEK GOD or GOD approached Self to New Article remembrance (praise GOD) in the ROOM, and imprisoned.Something said to worship GOD New Articles run prayer, fasting, pilgrimage Up And tithe. If the pillar of Islam initials already done, already feeling berislam The TRUE. Which One is REALLY cara2 so?.To get the right answer let kita see Al Quran made by GOD. Which ALSO GOD created man, of course, was the All-knowing GOD creations Will not It?In, AL Quran GOD has described New Articles And Perfect detail.,During kita husband often hear Dari ulama2 Yang explained that the purpose of human life is to worship GOD as paragraph explaining Surah 51:56."And I created not the jinns and humans except to worship Me".Worship (worship) to GOD interpreted worship (prayers) to GOD, fasting, hajj Up, do kebaikan2 dll.Kalau been running pillar of Islam initials (ritual), so they are already feeling the New Articles of Religion TRUE.Surely not the case * According to GOD. Above explanation as it is not yet perfect, so the results are not perfect ALSO. Like kita see masarakat islam now Husband still retarded..Worship is not worship GOD GOD Alone, Not running the five pillars of Islam The Only, And Only do good, but the meaning of the FAR languageIf interpreted as husband Above, So kita see the result is not productive masarakat aka The sad miskin.Sangat Not?.Worship GOD Almighty means to serve or WORK GOD New Articles indeedGOD is the King of Kings of the earth and the sky initials. As hamba2 or worker (kariawan) GOD, then humans should follow * Comply And Obey all the rules Living GOD how And how How to work at the World initials..* All of the rules that GOD In, written holy book, the Torah, Gospel and Quran. Al Quran is human life Guidebook The terakir, And Perfect..WHAT we sudahtahu purpose kita Life is devoted to GOD or WORK.Mari kita see also In, AL Quran, whether the tasks of human life on earth as a labor worker husband Dari GOD?So the kind of prayer ADA, One Life goals, and the second is the task of Life;THIS IS [b] The task of human life as GOD said as berikuti; [/ b]"He it is Who has created YOU Dari earth (ground), and make the settled you therein. (QS.11: 61). (Inhabiting the earth and cultivate Revenues for Prosperity Mankind, that denies the initials GOD commands, human life as human beings in the same forest New Life Star article.) ..WORK command for the prosperity of the earth, had previously commanded By GOD to Prophet Adam to Prophet Who notified of Moses (Torah) as follows husband;God said to Adam.• God says, "You have to work hard and sweat to make the product any ground, until you return to the ground from which you formed.'re Made of soil, and you will become soil again" (Genesis 3.18 to 19.).GOD commands to Prophet Adam, Moses, and Muhammad is the same thing that humans were created By GOD husband must WORK hard, earnest for the prosperity of the earth, that the prosperity of family, their community and Ummah.Later every human being will be held responsible. Who Diligently And GOD WORK for anyone lazy lazy thing to GOD WORK.Anda humans can see "The science has not, does not have the (Deen) Handbook Living Language Of GOD, like a man" Who lives in the woodsTheir clothes are still made from the leaves of language to clothe her, and made ALSO PLACE stay Dari leaves to Protect Language Of Rain And pana.Until Today kita still can see the humans Its not got Sciences in forests. Language From One Generation to the next negerasi. They do not have thousands of years it has little to BUILD pradapan Stay Science islam Yang Yang Forward, modrenAs with Life Prophet Adam And Eve The cover her nakedness Dari daun2 Not?.As kariyawan "The GOOD or servant" The GOOD GOD So kita Mandatory prosper or process raw bahan2 The given By GOD IS GOOD The ADA in In, earth and in the earth's crust.Who "Who does not want to follow orders initials GOD, they like orang2 Alive Who lives in hutan2 And if THERE WAS A stay in their kota2 FUNDS generally unproductive life, Poor, BECAUSE they do not have the science and do not know WHAT his task as defined by GOD..Life twiddle their lazy or relaxed air-Life. "Their job is to FIND Life Eat just enough, and then when they grow a family, a wife and a son. Pillar of Islam Running The lima.That it..GOD'' next commandment to man is to process raw materials'' The ADA In, The earth has GOD provide abundant overflow that could keep ALLAH.Perintah initials Religion Important Once, if it is not done so easily defeated Islamic Ummah or ditunduki or in jajah By musuh2 Islam..Please note orders GOOD GOD New Article husband;"And We made the iron (and silver, gold, aluminum copper, oil, etc.) What are her strengths Mighty And many BENEFITS * For humans (for in-Sports), and that GOD Almighty Who knows who help His Religion (Islam) and Rasul2 when GOD Almighty. has not seen. (Surah .57:25)..Every Muslim orangutan The Obedient to the King (GOD Almighty) So Mandatory WORK'' hard to process raw materials such as iron, silver, oil, gold, copper, kayu2, Agriculture, Fisheries etc.'' The goods become useful for human life, establish industry2 various kind of goods, and make weapons to defend religion'' GOD and the Prophet attack'' language of the enemy.The Muslims must recognize governed By GOD, Not the People of his others..That anyone not Come prosperity of the earth means that they deny GOD GOD commands initials. And their lives will be difficult in case of war easily defeated And in domination..How to cultivate, establish industry2 make barang2 That's helpful And to make weapons that do not have a Science? So GOD instructed to demand a variety And Learning Various Disciplines. Learning Science is not religion as interpreted Only By sebahagian group Islamic Ummah.LOT ulama2/ustad2 madrasah2 establish, teach Discipline Without ilmu2 Before the murid2, as what happened in negara2 Islamic Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc.. This way is misguided prayers, not sempurna.setengah2Tangan2 Language Of The graduate murid2 madrasah2 make knowledgeable orang2 Religion Its not productive, BUT consumptive.How they were obeying GOD Above That Could. How they can defend GOD Religion, if it does not have ilmu2 lain2nya.The use of such initials Education System should be repaired By muda2 Generation..THIS IS GOD next command;"GOD will raise orangutans orangutan BETWEEN A believer in letting the orangutans Yang Mu Dan demanded Science (Learning) some degree., And Allah is Aware of what you do" (QS.58: 11).This means that if GOD's people requiring or demanding Islamic Learning Sciences, then Muslims should also make the school is not?Learning impossible in New Roofs Sky Outdoor Articles and wilderness of sand. And for Learning should be ADA School, wrote books, pens, pencils, pengapus, bench seat, lime, Lighting equipment, not possible in the Land munulis New Articles finger as Stationery Not?.To make the books should be written anyway Plant a tree "cotton for raw materials Paper and cloth armor, then make Fabrik Paper and cloth, And alat2 Transportation, speda, cars, and so on,'' raw materials supplied from Above tadiQS 57:25 .New article says other Islamic Ummah must study various Disciplines for Industry Could make cloth to cover the body and paper, can make the pens, pencils, Tools Tool tranportsai lights, making weapons etc..Each individual Muslim must WORK hard and demanding sebanyk2nya Sciences, order individual life musli STRONG And Healthier.If Healthy Families in Dan STRONG economy, then it ALSO STRONG Nations economy. So * All ITU should begin language of every Muslim. Language Of Self OWN.That brought progress'' toward Islamic Ummah And give Bhakti Field Employees Cooperative Ocean The LOT for youngsters and enable them to improve, Prosperity, kesehteraan, security, harmony, and finally the Islamic Ummah Life can be happy, safe sentosa.Indah Once Islamic teachings is not it? The Ummah Muslims become productive, producer, People Industry, Agriculture Yang devoted to ALLAH.Umat rahmatan lil'alamin..So Islam is a doctrine'''' In Which brings progress, especially All ASPECTS livelihood Capital Ownership Economy, Technologi And Science..Scholars'','' Dai, kothip'', Islamic scholars is the'' The Religion And Science Will Know Close to New Article people. '' Ulema'' is the'' That tells teachings of Islam to the People And As well as providing an example of how to apply each command'' GOD IS GOOD New Articles And Perfect.Ulema'' is the pole / Islamic Ummah milestone. If scholars'' prayers'' to understand the teachings of Islam, then the People would pray anyway, if scholars'' ajaran2 REALLY understand Islam, then became the People What the People REALLY well, meaning that people are a people of The Economy Forward, Technologi, Bhakti LOT Field Employees Cooperative Ocean AVAILABLE.Had ulama'' to convey WHAT The actual purpose of human life * According to the People of GOD, then youth'' Islam Will Learn Diligent And GOD WORK sungguh2 for New Media as well..Even if every Muslim is aware, then every Muslim will fear (taqwa) to GOD if they do not WORK Diligent And it'' for the prosperity of the earth initials GOD GOD Will Angry them. ".... While GOD is Seer of what Yang was doing (every time)". QS.57: 25..GOD then the next command is to be a Caliph.'' The faithful person, knowledgeable and already Know How to WORK for the prosperity of the earth GOD husband, so he was asked to be a caliph in, their community.She invites Dan to lead their community prosper Diligent WORK GOD means prosperity masarakat earth, giving Field Employees Cooperative Bhakti Ocean to the youth and young'''', establishing various Disciplines sekolah2 that every Muslim could also be a caliph or leader in, the group'' her. As illustrated by Aa Gym.THIS IS THE GOD commands."He it is Who made YOU caliphs Advance earth". (QS.35: 39.)"Verily, I am going to make a vicegerent on earth Husband" QS.2: 30Conclusion:The purpose of human life in accordance GOD created By New Media difenisi By ayat2 GOD below zero husband;1. QS.56 "51." And I created not the jinns and humans except to worship (WORK) to Me "Human life in the created task GOD By Husband as follows below:2. (QS.11: 61). "He it is Who has created YOU Dari earth (ground), and make the settled you therein. (Inhabiting the earth and cultivate Revenues for Prosperity Mankind).3. (Surah .57:25) "And We made the iron (and silver, gold, aluminum copper, oil, etc.) What are her strengths Mighty And many BENEFITS * For humans (for in-Sports), and that GOD knows who . Which religion helped him (Islam) And the Apostle of God'' has not seen yet.4. ". (QS.58: 11)" GOD will raise orangutans orangutan BETWEEN A believer in letting the orangutans Yang Mu Dan demanded Science (Learning) some degree. And Allah is Aware of what you do5.QS.2: 30 "Behold, I am going to make a vicegerent on earth Husband""He it is Who made YOU caliphs Advance earth". (QS.35: 39.).Thus GOD told, APA goals and tasks of human life on earth initials * According GOD Who created man..Hopefully kita as workers or servants'' GOD'' The GOOD, The Obey, So let kita renewed intent and purpose Living Hope kita kita * All got Affection, kepercaaan And Love GOD. A Life Once husband hopefully will be successful in the level and endowed By GOD..If kita Love and Fear in GOD let kita diligent'' Learning and WORK for the welfare of family, their community and the Islamic Ummah in general FUNDS order umat2 Others may imitate Living Language Of The TRUE GOD..Hopefully, a brief description Husband Islam can inspire hati2 pemuda2 Who wants to see Muslims triumphed Reported In, All ASPECTS livelihood.Islam may be masarakat Rahmatan masarakat lil'alamin for kemanusian.Kalau TRUE THAT GOD Please Come Language Of New Media adhered WELL, if prayers Language Come From ME THAT BECAUSE MY weaknesses, corrected And Please Kindly SORRY..So THAT is the teachings of Islam'' Beautiful Once, Lessons bring Muslims and non-Muslim to progress In, All ASPECTS livelihood. The TRUE GOD that's teachings.The teachings of Islam otherwise behalf but did not bring the people of a prosperous and peaceful, then understanding the teachings of Islam is prayer ITU misleading..Let I invite YOU to strive towards' That's helpful community means in the next world. Remembrance, Thought and endeavor
arysetiadyKeep your hands busy with work, keep your mouth busy with the remembrance of Allah and leave a legacy as much as possible. Love your neighbor as yourself.
Hadith, YOU do not believe in God, if YOU do not love YOU Neighbors (both Islamic and non-Islamic)

wassalamu'alaikumm. wrwb.Note, Please send article to Friend That dear initials.

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